Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm married!!!

I haven't given my poor lonely blog attention in a long time. So, here's whats been going on and what is going on!

1) My family and Charlie's family helped us finish planning our wedding!
2) Charlie and I got married!! Yay!! Hooray!! Hoopla!!!
3) We spent Thanksgiving with my side of the family!
4) We spent Christmas Eve with my in-laws and Christmas Day with my side of the family!
5) We are currently at my parents' house awaiting the New Year!

Pictures aren't my strong suite, so you might just have to look at my mother's blog to see some.


I'm sitting here while my husband and everyone older than 10 is playing a game called Smart....Donkey....(I'm not sposed to say THAT type of word, mother says so)
My mother-in-law made slush for me to bring for everyone to enjoy =) I'm happy she did, and very thankful.

I don't really have much to say questions??


Courtenzia said...

I actually posted this on New Years Eve, not December 20th.

mommarazzi said...

I'm glad you were able to stay over in our "Polar Bear Suite". Looking forward to more evenings of fun with you and your hub.

mommarazzi said...

TIme for an update and some photos from your spiffy camera!