Monday, October 3, 2011

Just a blip

Just so you all know, Charlie and I are doing good. We're dealing with stuff newly married people deal with when they live with their in-laws. All in all we're happy and looking forward to moving out on our own and making a life for ourselves =)

Since Charlie lost his job we've both been looking for work. I got a job at Toys R Us/Babies R Us (my orientation is tomorrow at 12:30, wish me luck!!) Charlie is still searching, but hopefully he'll find something soon =)

Speaking of finding work... Both Charlie and I will be going to Job Corps, he's going for welding and I'm going to (hopefully) be a pharmacy technician. We don't have a definite date yet, but when we do...I'll most likely post it on Facebook.

Aaaaaaaand, I'm in school! I'm taking two courses, History 201 and Math 70. I'm doing well as far as I can tell. But we'll find out when the graded work comes back.

So yeah =)

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

Nice, way to keep on keepin' on and way to get a job! Good on ya. Have fun :)