Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yes I did!

Lalita is right! I did get my license! Yesterday in fact...and I got to drive my brothers to church! My mom followed in the van just in case I got run of the road or something. Also Rylan showed up yesterday morning!!! So, I had a good day yesterday. Except the DMV only gave me a paper license...the plastic one is in the mail, its a safety measure I guess. So, yeah, being a licensed driver is pretty cool! Although some of my friends find it kinda scary.....honestly I don't blame them ;-)
But, no, I'm a really good driver...Or so say my parents and Lyssa, I think Logan said it too but I don't remember.
I have to go clean for the arrival of Cherise and Kiel.

And here is a funny little thing from Spongebob:
Doctor: Well, it looks like your gluteus maximus has made a full recovery.
Spongebob: My what has a what now?
Doctor: Your butt’s all better.


I do NOT own "Spongebob Squarepants" or anything from it.

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