Saturday, November 8, 2008


GU is too far away! I want it to be now...I SOOOOOO CAN'T WAIT!!! =D =D =D

Anyways...I also I can't wait for my MONTH LONG Christmas vacation! Well I guess to be politically correct I should say "winter vacation/break...but who ever said I had to be politically correct ;)

ALSO I can't wait to go travel the Amazon rainforest and help underprivileged animals thrive in their local communities and get health insurance! Actually, I'm not gonna do that cause it's stupid to get animals health insurance...they can't even pay for it ;)

MOREOVER! (transition gotta love em'!) I can't wait to get to my homework so I can go to Nicole's party tomorrow! =D

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

In response to what I assume was a question after your comment about Christmas vacation....

It was probably the same people who said you needed a question mark to make a question.

Silly people...